Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ncfe Swis Assignment 1

SUPPORT WORK IN SCHOOLS Unit 01 Child and Young Person Development As part of my preparation to complete Unit 1 Child and Young Person Development, I have attended taught sessions, undertaken research using books and the internet, taken part in group exercises and discussions and considered case studies. I have also completed a worksheet and received useful feedback from my tutor. All this has given me a better understanding of the theories behind child and young person development and the stages of development.This information has been extremely useful, giving me the underpinning knowledge needed to carry out my role of supporting teaching in the classroom. It has also improved my self-confidence especially in the classroom. In this assignment, I will discuss the expected pattern of development from 0-19 years, including examples of how development can be promoted in children and young people and how different aspects of development are interrelated and can affect one another.I will look at factors which can influence the child or young person’s development and discuss the potential effects of different types of transitions on children and young people’s development and ways in which the individual can be supported at such times. I will also briefly examine the psychological theories put forward by some influential researchers and illustrate the development of the National Curriculum. I will discuss observations and assessments and their importance in education.I will consider the role of communication for those who are involved in supporting teaching and learning. I will also look at the importance of the ‘holistic’ approach when engaging with pupils and their rights to be treated fairly and as individuals. 1. 1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s Development from birth to 19 years to include: a) Physical development b) Communication and intellectual development c) Social, emotional and behavioural de velopmentThere is an expected pattern or sequence of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years. This pattern or sequence can help be used to measure a child’s development and aid in preparing materials in the classroom to suit the individual’s needs. However, every child is unique and will not develop at the same rate in all the areas of development at the same time. There are some important factors that need to be considered when providing learning opportunities; these are the age range of the individuals and the five aspects of child development.The age ranges are 0-3 months, 3-9 months, 9-18 months, and 18months – 2 years, 2-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-7 years, 7-12 years, 12-16 years and 16 –19 years. The five aspects of child development are Social, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Communication and Language Development. It is however important to note that child and young person development is holistic with each area being interconnected. Social development involves developing social skills as part of the socialisation process. This process determines how children relate socially and emotionally to others.It’s as part of social development that children will learn behaviour patterns, self-control, independence, awareness of themselves in relation to others and develop an understanding of the needs and rights of others and moral concepts. In social development children age 3-5 will play with each other but by the time they reach the age range of 7-12 years they now want to belong to a group. Both age ranges will use language effectively to communicate, with 7-12 year olds now able to communicate very effectively. They are also less concerned about adult approval and are more concerned about the approval of their peers.Whereas the 3-5 year age group are still concerned with seeking adult approval. The 3-5 year olds group are gradually able to share group possessions at playgroup or nursery and 7 -12 year olds are able to participate in games with rules and other cooperative activities. Social development is promoted by setting goal and boundaries to encourage socially acceptable behaviour appropriate to the children’s ages and development using praise and rewards as encouragement. It can also be promoted by using books, stories, puppets and play people to help children understand fairness, jealousy, conflict ituations or growing up. Children can also be encouraged to use their self-help skills allowing children the time to do things independently such as choosing play activities or helping to tidy up. Emotional development might be defined as the development of personality and temperament. It includes how a child thinks and feels about themselves, how they think others see them, how they relate and interact with others and to their environment and how they express their individual needs and desires. The 7-12 year old group have become less egocentric and understand t he feelings, needs and rights of others.By age 12-16 this has developed further with the individual being sensitive to their own feelings and to those of others with a growing understanding of the possible causes for why people feel and act as they do. The 7-12 year age group may be very competitive with rivalry leading to aggressive behaviour whilst the older age group will have more confidence in their skills and ideas and will be assertive rather than aggressive. Both will argue with others, with the 12-16 year age group having strong opinions which may lead to grudges.The younger age group, although finding it more difficult to forgive and forget than they did at a younger age, tend not to hold grudges. Emotional development can be promoted by using praise and encouragement to help pupils to focus on what they good at and maximise their individual potential. By giving pupils the opportunity to make decisions and choices, making them feel positive and important and preparing them for decision making at a later stage. Being consistent about rules and discipline so pupils know what is expected of them will further help to promote emotional development.Physical development is an important area of a child’s overall development, and many aspects take place automatically as they grow and mature. However, it is crucial that children and young people are given opportunities and support in this area of development. Physical development can be promoted by providing play opportunities. Children could be allowed to explore and experiment with their gross motor skills using play equipment or practising fine motor skills such as drawing or using play dough.In physical development a 2-3 year old will use a potty whilst a 5-7 year old will be ‘dry’ apart from the occasional accident. The 2-3 year old group will be able to undress themselves but will need help with dressing. The 5-7 year olds will now dress themselves. Fine motor skills will be developin g in 2-3 year age group, they will be capable of feeding themselves and turning pages in a book but by 5-7 years this is much improved with the child now having the fine motor skills in order to be able to use a pencil, to put together a jigsaw and write their name.This type of development can be promoted by allowing children to be as independent as possible and by using everyday routines to develop fine motor skills such as doing fastenings themselves, setting the table or using a knife and fork. Intellectual development involves the process of gaining, storing, recalling and using information. This development includes interrelate components of perception, thinking, language, problem solving, concepts, memory, concentration and creativity. Children will be constantly gathering new information and formulating new ideas about themselves and the world around them.In intellectual development for example the 2-3 year old age group is still egocentric but the 5-7 year old begins to see other people’s points of view. Both will enjoy imaginative play. The older age group will have developed a longer attention span listening to longer stories and recalling details. The younger group will concentrate on intricate tasks but for a short length of time. Intellectual development can be promoted by providing access to materials to increase children’s curiosity such as books, games, toys and play equipment.Participating in the children’s activities to extend their learning and development will also promote development in this area, by asking questions, providing answers and demonstrating how things go to together when necessary. Encouraging children to use their senses to experiment with different materials and explore their environment for example going on outings to the park, playing with sand and water will promote intellectual development. Communication and language development involves children learning home or community language, as well as modes of language- non-verbal communication, listening, speaking, thinking, reading and writing.Language is a key factor in all aspects of children’s development as it gives them access to all aspects of human experience such as communicating with others, relating to others, formulating ideas or expressing feelings. In communication and language development a 2-3 year old will have a vocabulary of between 900 and 1500 words; this will have increased to 4000-10000 words by time they reach 7-12 years old. A 3-5 year old can listen to and follow simple instructions but by time they reach 7-12 years of age they can listen to and follow complex sets of instructions and will appreciate complex jokes and word play.The 7-12 year old can give very detailed accounts of past events using varied expression and vocabulary, whilst the 3-5 year old is only capable of giving very simple accounts of past events. Communication and language development in children can be promoted by simply talking to children and showing them what you are talking about by using real objects, picture books or visual/audio aids, by sharing books, stories and rhymes with them and by using straightforward sentences with words appropriate to the children’s level of understanding and development.The National Curriculum is extremely important for those who are involved in education as it is followed my many schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (academies and private schools do not have to follow it). It was introduced into school in1988 in order to ensure that each pupil was given the same standard of education. The two principal aims of the National Curriculum are: 1. The school curriculum should aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and achieve 2.The school curriculum should aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Furthermore, the national Cu rriculum has four purposes: 1. To establish an entitlement 2. To establish standards 3. To promote continuity and coherence 4. To promote public understanding. The Key stages are KS1 ages 5-7, KS2 ages 7-11, KS3 ages 11-14 and KS4 ages 14-16. There are five subjects which are required to be delivered from ages 5-16 years (KS 1- 4); these are English, Mathematics, P. E. Science and I. C. T.The National Curriculum as evolved and has had several changes or alterations to various aspects of it. For example, The Education Act 2002 sets out the statutory, core and foundation subjects but the above aims and purposes have remained. However, a review of the National Curriculum in 2011 recommended changes which will come into effect in 2013. The review notice states that the National Curriculum will have the following aims 1. To embody rigour and high standards to create coherence in what is taught in schools 2. To ensure all children have the opportunity to acquire a core of essential knowle dge in the key subject disciplines 3. eyond that core, to allow teachers the freedom to use their professional expertise to help children to realise their potential. Other areas to be considered include what subjects should be compulsory and what children should be taught in the main subjects and at what age. Communication skills are important for those who undertake the supporting teaching and learning role as it is vital in building up strong, positive relationships with colleagues, pupils and parents. Communication is a two way process with a sender (talker) and a receiver (listener). An important aspect of communication is active listening.This can be achieved by giving your whole attention, listen, use eye contact, seek clarification if you do not understand something that has been said. Non-verbal communication can be a powerful indicator. For example, leaning forward slightly indicates interest whilst crossing your arms can be seen as a barrier or reluctance to listen. Smilin g or nodding your head if appropriate are all signs that you are listening. Body stance and gestures and facial expressions are a good indicator of how the communication is progressing, for example a person may look worried or bored.Another important part of communication is asking questions. There are four types of questions and asking the right question at the right time is important. Closed questions are those that can only be answered by the word yes or no. These can be useful for testing your or the other person’s understanding. Open questions are ones that cannot be answered by the word yes or no, for example ‘what do you think? ’ Reflective questions are ones that check understanding and allows someone to think about what they have just said. The fourth type of question is leading, this one that suggests what the answer might be.Lessons should include a combination of both open and closed questions and learners should be encouraged to develop their own que stioning skills with learners’ peer assessing each other using open and closed questions. 1. 2 Describe with examples how different aspects of development can affect one another Although development is often divided into different ‘categories’, it is important to remember that these are all interconnected and link with one another. Examples of how different aspects of development can affect one another include: a.A speech impediment, such as stuttering may lead to the individual being unable to communicate properly with other children. The child may get frustrated and refrain from any interaction with other children. They may have little or no self confidence. This can affect emotional and social development as well as communication development. They may be bullied or picked on because of it, which in turn can lead to isolation as they may feel unable to talk to other children for fear of being ridiculed. b. A child who has difficulty in sharing may have problems with social interaction and difficulties making friendships.Other children may avoid them and this can affect the emotional and social development of the child who is unwilling to share as they may feel lonely and neglected. c. A child that is overweight or obese may have difficulties in participating in physical activities such as PE. This will affect not only their physical development but will also impact on the child’s social and emotional development as they may feel self-conscious and embarrassed and could be teased or bullied by their peers. 2. 1 Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development including a) Background ) Health c) Environment Pupils’ development is influenced by a wide range of factors including, their background, health and the environment in which they are growing up. These will all have an impact on the different areas of development and it is therefore important to have awareness of th ese factors. a. Background – Parents are extremely important in children’s lives especially in the early years. Most parents do a very good job of nurturing and providing for their children, providing a good diet, caring for them and offering opportunities for play and socialisation.Offering support to their children by being involved, helping with homework and showing interest in what the child does. This care has a significant positive impact on children’s development especially in areas of social, intellectual and emotional development. Some parents are unable to provide such care and this can negatively affect children’s’ development. For example those with conditions such as depression, alcoholism or drug addiction may neglect their children and be unable to provide them with opportunities for play and socialisation.Older siblings may have to take on a caring role for younger members of the family. These circumstances may cause the child anxie ty, to become de-motivated and develop anti-social behaviour. b. Health- If pupils suffer from poor health or physical disability or impairment, this may restrict their development opportunities. For example, a child who has a medical condition or impairment may be less able to participate in some activities than other children. This may initially affect physical development, but may also restrict social activities for example on the playground.This may then impact on emotional development. c. Environment – poverty and deprivation can have a significant effect of a child’s development. Families on low incomes may have poor diets which can affect children’s growth, behaviour and development. They may live in poorer quality housing, and not have sufficient income to heat them properly; again this can have an adverse affect on development with damp, crowed housing leading to poor health and lack of opportunity to play freely. Those children from low income families may lack play and leisure opportunities, or example the family may not have transport or the financial resources to access such opportunities as playing an instrument or going swimming. Conversely, those children from more affluent backgrounds are less likely to live in poor housing, are more likely to have a better diet and have greater access to play and leisure opportunities, thus all aspects of their development is impacted positively by their environment. 2. 2 Describe with examples the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development.It is important to recognise and respond to concerns regarding a child’s development because if the problem is not dealt with as promptly as possible, it may have long term effects on all aspects of development. The sooner a problem is recognised and identified appropriate support can be given to solve the problem or lessen its effects on the child. Problems with language development would cause concern as language is at the heart of intellectual development. A child with poor speech development may find it difficult to read and write as they may not understand the link between sounds and letter shapes.Without use of language, communication can be limited and the child may feel isolated and frustrated and consequently have behavioural issues. The child may be unwilling to speak to others and possibly find it hard to listen to instructions. The child would be affected socially as they may find it hard to make friends and interact with others. This could also affect the child’s self esteem; making them feel that their peers are more ‘advanced’ and they are stupid which might lead them to become de-motivated.If a child was finding it difficult to interact with their peers, perhaps playing alone, this would be affecting the child’s social development perhaps causing them to lack confidence and find it difficult to socialise in future. Int ellectual development could be affected as the child may not feel comfortable in working with their peers in class especially during group work and so not learn as effectively as possible. Consequently, accurate observations and assessments are essential to effective educational practice.They allow objective assessments relating to each pupils behaviour patterns, learning styles, level of development, existing skills, curriculum strengths and weaknesses, current learning needs and learning achievements. Information from these observations and assessments can form the basis for the ongoing planning of learning objectives and setting learning goals and objectives for each individual pupil. They can help identify if pupils need extra support or if they have Special Educational Needs. When observing children all relevant aspects of development should be considered, social; physical; intellectual; communication and emotional.Some important points to be considered when observing children are that confidentiality must be maintained at all times, the observer must be objective, reporting what they see or hear rather than subjective opinion. Equal opportunities should be considered for example a child with English as a second language may have difficulty expressing themselves in English but be competent in their own language. Focus should be on strengths rather than weaknesses, and a holistic approach should be taken looking at a particular area of development in relation to the child whole development.The child’s feelings, needs and abilities should be considered and the observation discussed if appropriate to the child’s age and response given to their views. Distractions should be minimised and observations should be done without intruding or causing unnecessary stress. Teaching and learning has been developed using research carried out by many psychologists who have studied human development and this work has influenced teaching and learning methods. Jean Piaget (1896-1980) theory of learning suggests that children constructed or built up thoughts according to their experiences of the world around them.He used the term ‘schema’ to refer to a child’s conclusions or thoughts. He saw learning as an ongoing process with children needing to adapt their original ideas if a new piece of information contradicted their conclusion. Piaget suggests that as children develop so does their thinking. He grouped children’s cognitive development into four stages. Sensori- motor (0-2 years) includes the development of object permanence, the beginning of the use of symbols e. g. language. Pre-operational (2-7 years) Child uses symbols in play and thought, this stage involves egocentrism, centration, animism and the inability to conserve.Concrete operational (7-11 years) there is the ability to conserve, beginning of solving mental problems using practical supports such as counters The final stage is Formal Operational (1 1-15 years) young people can now think about situations they have not experienced and are able to juggle with ideas in their minds. Piaget's work has lead to early years and schools settings providing more hands on relevant tasks for children and young people. With teachers starting by working out the needs of the children then planning activities accordingly.B F Skinner (1904-90) suggested that most humans and animals learn through exploring the environment, and then drawing conclusions based on the consequences of their behaviour, people are therefore active in the learning process. Skinner divided the consequences of actions into three groups. Positive reinforcers are likely to make people repeat behaviour when they get something they desire. This is according to Skinner the most effective way of encouraging new learning. Negative reinforcers are likely to make people repeat behaviour as well but the behaviour is repeated to stop something happening.A child going down a slide mig ht learn to use their hands to slow them down if they were feeling unhappy about speed. Immediate positive reinforcers were considered more effective by Skinner. He also found that it wasn’t always clear what the primary reinforce was until after the experiment. For example a child may behave badly in order to gain attention and they will repeat the behaviour even if they are in ‘trouble’ as gaining the attention is the positive reinforcer. This ‘operant conditioning’ is frequently used by those working with children for example giving praise, reward stickers or certificates are positive reinforcers.Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) posited the ecological systems theory which has the individual at the centre of the model which has five systems. The microsystem which includes activities and interactions in the child's immediate surroundings such as parents, school and friends. The mesosystem refers to the relationships between the entities involved in t he child’s microsytems parent’s relationships with teachers etc. The exosystem are the social institutions which affect children indirectly such as parents work setting, mass media and extended family networks. The macrosystem or the broader cultural values, law, governmental resources.The chronosytem refers to the changes which occur during a child’s life both personally and culturally (or the child’s transitions) In the ecological model each component interacts with other components, making a highly complex context the child grows up in. The child isn’t just a passive recipient of what goes on in his or her life. The child at the centre of the model and interacts directly with the people in the microsystems and the effects of the interaction go both ways. As people affect the child, so the child has an influence on them. 3. 1 Identify the transitions experienced by most children and young people.Transitions might simply be defined as any stage or experience in the life of a child or young person that can affect behaviour and/or development. They are generally linked to changes in a person’s appearance, activity status, roles and relationships as well as changes of setting. Common transitions which are foreseen that most children and young people will experience include progressing from one level of development to another for example puberty, entering adulthood; starting nursery or school; moving schools for example primary to secondary school; moving class, starting college or training; entering work or first sexual experiences. . 2 Identify transitions that only some children and young people may experience Some children and young people will experience personal transitions which are often unforeseen and happen to only some individuals. Personal transitions can include death or serious illness of a family member or friend; parental separation or divorce, moving house, going into hospital; living with disability, dea th of a pet, arrival of a new baby or step-siblings, changes in their main carer such as adoption, fostering, entering or leaving the care system and the process of asylum.Family circumstance may lead to personal transitions for a child or young person some of these include, poverty; environment; employment status; child abuse and neglect; substance abuse and mental health needs. 3. 3 Describe with examples how transitions may affect children and young people’s behaviour and development Change is not always disruptive and distressing. When facing change it is natural to experience feeling of uncertainty and confusion, however, there can often be positive effects.There may be for example increased levels of motivation, promoting development, educational progress, confidence, good health improved self-esteem and increased independence. Many children make successful transitions but for those who do not there can be problems for example decreased levels of motivation, development al delay, educational delay, depression, ill health and poor self esteem. This can have negative implications for the future, affecting health, ability to achieve and enjoyment of childhood.Change is more likely to cause emotional distress when it is completely unexpected and unanticipated for example bereavement. Signs of distress might include changes in the child or young person’s behaviour such as demonstrating uncharacteristic behaviour, becoming withdrawn or quiet, becoming angry, anxious, attention seeking or temporary regression in developmental and self – help skills or even bed wetting. They may demonstrate their concern through play or drawings or stories and some may want to talk.High levels of distress can be further exacerbated when children are not kept informed, feel out of control and cannot access emotional support. To alleviate some this anxiety and stress, preparation is an essential part of managing transitions and most settings will have establish ed procedures for preparing children for transfers and transitions using the ‘ten principles to support children’s transitions’ developed by the National Children’s Bureau for example a Transitions Policy stating the schools aims and procedures.The teaching assistant should keep an eye out for changes in behaviour, encourage pupils to use any school based support for example talking to an adult that they trust, work to ensure positive relationships, be sensitive to pupils’ needs, and ensure that there is opportunity to discuss what is happening and to ask questions. If advance notice has been given that a child or group of children may be going through a period of change, this will give the opportunity to plan how support can be given.For many children the move to nursery or primary school is a big step which can lead some children to experience anxiety and stress when they first attend the new setting. This anxiety and stress may be caused by separ ation from parent or carer, encountering unfamiliar children, length of time spent in the setting, differences in culture and language from the child’s previous experiences, unfamiliar routine and rules, worry about doing the wrong thing, taking part in unfamiliar activities e. . PE. The unfamiliar physical environment may seem scary. Children may have difficult in following adult direction and more structured activities or find it difficult to concentrate for longer periods than previously. Schools make these first days and weeks easier by arranging for children to have already met their new teacher, who may have visited them in their current setting or at home as well as welcoming them to their new setting.Introductory visit may have been arranged for children and their parents or carers so that they can become familiar with the setting and the adults who will support and care for them there. Children can also be helped to prepare for this change by talking and explaining w hat is going to happen, listening to their concerns and reassuring them. Using appropriate resources such as books on starting primary school or secondary school or watching videos or TV programmes which shows the change positively.Providing opportunities for imaginative play so children can express their feelings and fears can also help. A holistic approach is needed when engaging with pupils as outlined in the government intuitive Every Child Matters (2003). Its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. ECM also states that everyone in our society is responsible for securing these outcomes.Families, communities, Government, public services, voluntary organisations, business, the media and others all have a part to play in valuing, protecting and promoting the interest of and listening to children. This has led to each of these themes having a detailed framework attached whose outcomes require multi-agency partnerships working together to achieve. The agencies in partnership may include children's centres, early years, schools, children's social work services, primary and secondary health services play work, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health services.In the past it has been argued that children and families have received poorer services because of the failure of professionals to understand each other's roles or to work together effectively in a multi-disciplinary manner. ECM seeks to change this, stressing that it is important that all professionals working with children are aware of the contribution that could be made by their own and each other's service and to plan and deliver their work with children and young people accordingly.The Equality Act 2010 states that schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against anyone including pupils because of their sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity and marriage or civil partnership. From April 2011 the Act introduced a single Equality Duty (public sector only) which applies to schools, this requires schools to have due regard to the need to  eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimisation; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations.Advancing equality of opportunity involves removing and minimising disadvantages, taking steps to meet people’s needs and encouraging participation in any activity in which participation by such people is disproportionately low. Fostering good relations involves tackling prejudice and promoting understanding. Schools along with many other policies will now have an Equality Policy. For example the school in which I volunteer has such a policy stating its mission statement and its aims and objectives with regards to equality.As already stated there is both a legal and moral responsibility to treat all pupils fairly and as individuals with individual needs. Consequently, it is important that all who work as part of the school team are aware of this policy and of their responsibilities with regards to equality. In conclusion, in this assignment I have endeavoured to illustrate the importance of understanding all the aspects of child development 0 to 19 years in order to support them as they move through their time in education.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analyse the humour and comedy of Act 1 in Much Ado About Nothing

With the play, Much Ado About Nothing comedy is generated through numerous ways within its structure, language and form. Conflict and battles of wit between characters in the play create humorous scenes, which are typically intelligently crafted in order to create hilarity. In addition, the utilisation of over exaggerated language and sarcastic remarks, with metaphors and puns spawn comedy. The obvious, comical scenes within Act 1 are created with the two protagonists Beatrice and Benedict. The role of women in society in the time period was to be quiet and have little power however; Beatrice goes against society’s unspoken rules and contradicts social conformity by being witty and clever with smart remarks so therefore goes against expectations. Due to her continuous conflict with Benedict, she generates comedy in the form of satirising physical features and aspects of his personality. Beatrice speaks arrogantly and aggressively towards Benedict, which further goes against conformity. This is clearly shown through the way she condemns Benedict, portraying him as a ‘disease’ named the ‘Benedict’ that is easier caught that ‘pestilence’. This implies that Benedict is no more than an infection that is easier to catch than the plague, which will spread if you become to friendly with him. The utilisation of these words is humorou s due to the fact she always wants the upper hand in the competition of wit, outsmarting the notorious Benedict. Additionally, the role of Benedict is important in generating the comedy within Act 1. Benedict is a proud and vain individual, who satisfies himself with sarcasm and is the entertainer in the book very much like Beatrice. This contradiction in personality helps to generate comedy, as both individuals battle to seek smart remarks to give themselves satisfaction. However, what they both don’t seem to realise is that they both have equal power and wit. This is evidently presented when Benedict states that Beatrice is a ‘parrot teacher’. This is comical as Benedict personifies Beatrice to be a parrot that is typically renowned for their repetitive nature, in repeating whatever someone Sais. Furthermore, comedy is caused through sexual references and sexual comedy. This is signified when Beatrice refers to Benedict as ‘Signor Mountanto’ at the start of scene 1 act 1. This phrase is a common fencing term or fencing thrust however it can mean two things. The idea that he is a flashy swordsman or this could be a connection of Benedict’s penis thrusting into an enemy soldier, so therefore there is an association of aggressive sex. Beatrice is clearly commenting on his sexual prowess, as being a womaniser. We find this amusing as Beatrice is once again going against social conformity, speaking of sexual matters with men involved. Due to the fact he has sexual prowess, the imagery of him thrusting his penis is quite obscure but comical as it infers homosexuality. Additionally, Leonato uses less explicit sexual references within Act 1 to generate comedy. This is expressed when he says ‘ her mother hath many times told me so’ in the context that he jokingly doubts Hero as his daughter. This connotes that status of women in the Victorian society, as he makes a joke at his wife’s expense to generate comedy. The idea tat women are passed around in this context is comical. Furthermore, the theme of marriage is a theme that spawns conflict and comedy. Benedict disgusts anyone’s approach to marriage and emphasises that he ‘will die a bachelor’, however the comedy is generated when Claudio expresses his love for Leonato’s daughter, Hero. This is demonstrated when Benedict states that she is ‘to low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little for a great place’, which creates comedy. This is comical as Benedict over complicates Hero as a wife for Claudio analytically pulling out all the negatives within her. The fact that Benedict is devoted to the idea he will die to be superior o a bachelor, allows his character to pick the fun out of anyone who has fallen into the trap if love and marriage. Pleasure and merrymaking is projected through the banter and conflict between Beatrice and Benedict within the first act this is clear when Leonato states there is a ‘skirmish of wit between them’, which clearly emphasises the fact that there battle for wit is obviously noticeable in order to get the upper hand. The reason for enjoying this humour is because of the fact that they want to be superior over one another. In conclusion, we can infer that there are numerous attributes that contribute to the humour and comedy of Act 1 in Much Ado About Nothing. However, the most noticeable element is the battle of wit between Beatrice and Benedict. The utilisation of satirical comedy and overly exaggerated sarcasm along with puns emphasises the fact the reason for their conflict is the recognition and gratitude they will feel. Undoubtedly, there are several other contributing factors like the sexual references from the male characters, which could be thought to be slightly sexist and inappropriate in todays society but the cheek involved in delivery the lines makes it comical.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Project Management Plan Employee Essay

Attracting skilled employees is often important and often difficult. Employers face major challenges when they consider the increasing difficulty of finding skilled people every company should have an employee incentive program if it is sales and especially for university enrollment advisors because they are the ones that bring business into the university. The project scope of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 strict accreditation regulations and laws prevent the university from offering bonuses to employees who enroll students. The work breakdown structure for the employee incentive program consists of activities/attributes, milestones stakeholders, stakeholders needs, tools and techniques. Activities/attributes Create a list of creative ideas Have employees take a survey once a year Boost employee morale and set a goal for employees Provide a positive working environment Retain employees Diversity of activities Develop skills and potential Employees need to be more invo lved and engaged Communication to employees Milestones Approval of incentive program Incentives must follow rules/regulations Responsibilities Personal growth Stakeholders University, Student, Employees Rewards are financial and non-financial Submit ideas to stakeholders because then they will know what works best Recognize and reward employees Days off Company outings Paid vacations Stakeholders needs University needs money Employees need incentives rewards, appreciation Students need education Tools Techniques Direct approach networking Employees plus number of students who enroll Merit Increase Salary increase is based on the number of students the employee enrolls Use of an organizational chart to understand roles responsibilities Tell your employees how well they are doing Employee parking for the month The employer and the employee have to have a balanced practical reward strategic model to improve business results and align employees behavior. The employer should have organization capabilities, business strategy and organization structure that leads to an employment deal for competencies, demographics, and values. With that employment deal it leads to a total reward strategy with pay, benefit, learning and development, and a good work environment. The basic salaries of the project team members will not be changed. However, special compensation will be given for their overtime and travels related to the project. After the  project is completed, all team members will be evaluated and those who will receive satisfactory and very satisfactory performance appraisal result will be given financial rewards. The total reward policy should state that although contingent rewards play an important part in the reward policies of the organization other forms of non-financial reward are regarded as being equally important. The reward system is an important means of communication. The effective reward strategy consists of well-defined g oals and objectives, well designed pay and rewards programs according to the needs and an effective and supportive human resources department. The performance related pay can be based off score driven bonus, customer satisfaction surveys, shareholder returns profitability versus target, process excellence, learn and grow. These rewards can bring in some conflict with employees if some or one employee does not get any customer satisfaction surveys, absence of learning and development, lack of customer service awards, lack of relationship between pay and performance, pay levels and benefits entitlement strongly related to the length of service, and lack of variable of portion of pay. This is something that will have to be explained to all employees from the first day of hire. The considerations for rewards are the level of rewards, the relative importance attached to market rates and equity, attraction and retention, the relationships of rewards to business performance, and total reward policy, the scope for the use of contingent rewards related to performance, competence, contribution or skills, assimilation policies, the de gree of flexibility required, the role of line managers, involve employees in the design of reward system, communicate the reward policies to employees, transparency. Market rate and equity policy needs to be formulated on the extent to which rewards are market driven rather than equitable. Should obtain and keep high quality staff and response to market pressures. Market considerations will derive levels of pay in the organization. Attraction policies should have career prospects, training and development, intrinsic interest of the work, flexible working arrangements, and work life balance. Retention policies should consist of Talent management (attraction and retention of quality employees). Talent management policies are to attract employees, to develop employees, rretain employees, and mmotivate employees. Talent management process is wwork life balance, lleadership qualities of line managers,  recognition, cconducting talent audits. Assimilation policies is how existing employees should be assimilated into revised pay structure such as red circling (identifying and dealing with overpaid people) and Green circling (identifying and dealing wi th underpaid people). The three performance measurement practices to be compared in this presentation are written, confidential evaluation non-confidential evaluation, and oral evaluation. Written, confidential evaluation can be conducted by a project manager. Since it is confidential, the results are not shown to the employee being evaluated. The use of confidential forms is not preferred because it may be contrary to government regulations and it does not provide the necessary feedback for an employee to improve (Kerzner, 2013). Non-confidential evaluation is preferred by project managers and functional managers because the results can be seen by the employees allowing them to have feedback to improve. However, it could also be difficult for the project managers when the employee is assigned to the same project after the evaluation. It could create biased results because the PM might avoid a bad working relationship with the employee or that he or she does not want to be blamed for the employees below-average merit for pay increase. Oral evaluation is also one of the commonly used performance measurement practices. It is commonly used but not preferred by project managers and functional managers because of the lack of documentation which is necessary for monitoring employee progress. It could also result to lack of feedback for employee to improve. Human resources (HR) staff often struggles to obtain the resources they need to effectively manage people in the workplace. HR staff is spending more time recruiting, hiring and training replacements. The HR plan is that the policy applies to all staff. Reward policies provide guidelines for the implementation of reward strategies and the design and management of reward process. HR Plan – Employee Recognition Award – Criteria for the award should be determined in consultation with the HR Office. Discretionary Bonus – A division/department should consult with the HR office and obtain the necessary approvals Incentive – Payments predefined in an approved plan document should be confirmed by the Plan Administrator and HR office. Tax treatment of bonus payment – Employee recognition awards may be grossed up to cover taxes if the documented award plan provisions indicate that such  payme nt will be grossed up Reason for policy This policy provides managers and supervisors with guidelines and procedures for bonus and incentive pays. Procedures Approvals are needed for individual payments Sanctions Managers, supervisors and employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. A company who truly invests in their employers by analyzing the all benefits that each function of HR provides to its business, a company can identify assets, in the form of employee support systems that most efficiently increase the value that high-potential employees provide to the university. Companies who increase employee productivity and contributions to their organizations will have a great outcome at their university. Resources Kerzner, PhD., H. (2013). Project Management A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (11th Ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey John Wiley Son, Inc. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Fifth Edition by Project Management Institute.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 19

Essay Example Scuba diving often assists in enabling shallow investigations. Earlier people used to restrain their breath while diving. In this way they used to hunt underwater creatures like fish. This was called free diving. Many competitions were also held around this theme. Accompanied with the technique of scuba diving the use of eco sounds helped in exploring the seabed. (Reed, 2009) Though men have interacted with the ocean since time immemorial, visual exploration of the seas were possible with the advent of scuba diving which made use of breathing apparatus to be carried for diving underwater. Helmet diving and diving bells in addition helped a diver to stay below the waters for long and explore the depths. These helped the scuba divers to adapt to the changes in the pressure and the physiology in order to hold back death. Thus scuba diving has a profound application in the world of marine science. The main idea is to carry self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) instead of depending upon air pumped from the water surface (Bhootra, n.d., p.96). Using breath-holding processes these divers manage to remain underwater for a long time. Thus apart from recreation, scuba diving’s application in different fields of science related to the marine world makes it an indispensable part of science and technology in the topical time with an ever-expanding knowledge base. Studying this area would be interesting especially with the aim of understanding its application in the world of science and discoveries. Dr. Lamberstein who was the pioneer of scuba diving apparatus initially built the LARU (Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit) and undertook the first close circuit scuba dive in New York. 12 dives were undertaken and Dr. Lamberstein during one of the dives underwent an attack of oxygen toxicity. The instruments

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Personal Improvement Project 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Improvement Project 2 - Coursework Example The mere smell of brewed coffee makes me want to drink coffee. Whenever I am reading or doing my assignments, my cup of hot black coffee sits with me on my study table. I have read many articles regarding the harmful effects of too much coffee drinking. Although studies have shown conflicting results on the health effects of coffee drinking, I believe that it is my too much consumption of coffee that is causing me my frequent stomach ache and my stained teeth. Having these unhealthy conditions are not only annoying and irritating but also embarrassing. So, I decided to reduce my coffee consumption from 4 cups to 1 cup daily within an 8-week time frame. 1. The first thing I did was to change my coffee environment. I removed all the factors that induced me to wanting coffee – I removed my coffee maker in my apartment; I gave away my unused coffee beans and did no longer purchase any of these; I avoided going to the coffee corner of our school; and I changed channels whenever coffee is advertised. Instead, I put in place coffee alternatives to drink when my wanting for coffee is great – I stocked green tea and bottled alkaline waters in my fridge. Hence, whenever I wanted something to drink there is no coffee to drink. These changes on my coffee environment helped me a lot from reducing my coffee intake, because I am conditioned every day to drink other liquids than coffee. 2. I know my taste bud for wanting coffee cannot be easily changed. What I did was to reduce my coffee intake gradually to avoid withdrawal syndrome that may instead lead me to crave for more. I first lessen the amount of coffee I put on my cup – This is to help me lessen my addiction to the caffeine and to frustrate my taste bud from wanting more. Then instead of coffee, I drank other drinks to satisfy my thirst. So in between meals I drink water to quench my thirst instead of coffee and before breakfast I don’t have anything but to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Rewrite - Essay Example Once this is done potatoes are ready for automatic peeling and are washed with cold water. 4. Slicing process involves passing potatoes through a revolving impaler/presser which cuts them into proper thin slices in accordance with the required thickness. Chips are cut in regular or ridged according to the blades used. 7. At this stage, slices pass through the air jets to get their excess water removed. During this process, slices are flown into 40-75 ft. oil filled troughs at the temperature of 350-375Â °F. Paddling process push the slices along and salt is sprinkled at the rate of 1.75 lb of salt to each 100 lb of chips. As potatoes arrive daily at manufacturing plants, they are checked for quality and are stored at a constant temperature and are processed into chips. To improve the color of the final product, potatoes are also being treated chemically by some manufacturers. However, to prepare the chips, potatoes are fried into oil and are sprinkled with flake salt instead of crystal salt. 10. After cooling and sorting chips are forwarded to the packaging machine where they are measured for their weight as well as a metal detector to check any metal piece that may have been included in the potatoes or being picked up during frying process. 11. A central processing unit code on the bags, which flow down from a roll, tells the machine how much chips should be released into the bag. A bag is formed, machines throws out the proper amount of chips into the bag and bags are sealed than. 12. During this process, it is ensured that excess air is not filled into the bags due to gaps and is nitrogen is used by some manufactures in this regard. Sealed bags are collated and hand-packed into cartons. Tasting samples are made from each batch at the rate of once per hour. The overall tasting process involves checking the chips for salt, seasoning, moisture, color which is also compared to the charts to confirm acceptable chip colors and flavor. Though potato chips

A documented position paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A documented position paper - Assignment Example This is kept going by strong ICT systems and processes that provides real-time information that links all stakeholders. The company’s international freight partners – DHL provide worldwide reach and specialized support. Also, Primark has made reasonable moves to limit reputational and ethical risks that come with operation in foreign markets around the world. This is done through strong monitoring mechanisms and corporate social responsibility. Primark is a UK-based clothing manufacturing and retail entity that originally founded in Dublin Ireland in 1968 (Primark Website). Today, Primark has over 200 outlets in Europe and North America. The company’s fundamental corporate strategy is based on an integrated global supply chain system through which the company designs its product in the UK and USA, sends the outlines to factories in developing countries like Bangladesh, Turkey and India where they are sewn and export it to the UK for onward distribution to Primark outlets around the developed world. This paper posits that Primark’s Global Supply Chain Management system is the firm’s primary cause of competitive advantage. In order to achieve this end, the paper will draw on evidential sources to show that the company saves a lot of cost by locating its manufacturing units in the developing world and sells them to consumers at high prices in the developed world. The integration of ethics and reputation i s the main means through which the company retains its continuous cost leadership system through the Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) process. The global textile industry has gone through a major reformation after the Cold War ended (Kunz and Garna 3). This is due to the apparent trend towards the elimination of barriers towards international trade and the major disparities that exists in different parts of the world due to the differences in costs and values. The rational producer will seek to minimize costs and maximize sales revenue. Hence,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Factors influencing healthcare employees perception of Crisis Dissertation

Factors influencing healthcare employees perception of Crisis preparedness in the Ministry of health hospitals, in Riyadh - Dissertation Example Saad Alghanim for their expertise and guidance throughout this paper. Likewise, I would like to thank the outstanding professors of health and hospital administration department in Administration College for their support over the past years. Finally, I would also like to thank my parents and family, for their support. Executive Summary Healthcare employees who managed to develop a positive attitude with regards to emergency crisis preparation are more willing to work towards the success of the said plan. Therefore, the individual perception of each of the local healthcare employee on emergency crisis preparedness plan is important in making the existing emergency crisis plan successful. After conducting a quantitative research survey study on (n=400) research survey participants who are currently employed and working in either King Fahad Medical City, the Alyamamah Hospital, or the Prince Salman Hospital as a hospital administration staff, physician, pharmacist, nurse, or support se rvice; this study identified the following as a common factor that could create a positive perception on healthcare employees with regards to emergency preparedness situation: (1) feeling confident that the hospital they are working for respond according to their crisis preparedness plan; (2) becoming familiar with the hospital crisis plan; (3) feeling confident that other employees are familiar with the hospital crisis plan; (4) feeling safe with security level within their workplace; (5) being able to respond to directions in case of crisis; (6) becoming familiar with the plan on how to react in case of a crisis; (7) being concerned about terrorist attack; (8) knowing that the hospital they are working for is ready to face emergency crisis; and (9) knowing that I am ready for crisis. To encourage the healthcare employees to develop a positive perception with regards to the local hospitals’ crisis preparedness, this study tackled the importance of maintaining an open communi cation line with the rest of the healthcare employees, making employees feel that they play an important role in responding to emergency crisis, and the importance of keeping the hospital environment safe from terrorist attacks and other forms of communicable and infectious diseases. Table of Contents Acknowledgement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 Executive Summary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Table of Contents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 I. Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 a. Aims or Purpose of this Study †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 b. Research Objectives †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 c. Rationale for Selecting the Research Topic †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 d. Research Questions †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 e. Scope and Limitations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 II. Literature Review †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 10 a. Internal and External Factors that can Trigger Emergency Crisis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 10 b. Importance of Emergency Crisis Preparedness Plan †¦. 12 b.1 Emer gency Preparedness Response to MRSA Outbreak and the Spread of other Communicable Diseases †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 13 b.2 Emergency Preparedness Response to Terrorist Attacks †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 16 b.3 Emergency Preparedness Response to Flood and Other Types of Accidents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 17 b.3.1 Vehicular Accidents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 17 b.3.2 Diseases Caused by Natural Disaster †¦

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Accounting Information Systems - Information Needs for the AIS Research Paper

Accounting Information Systems - Information Needs for the AIS - Research Paper Example However, it is noteworthy that the benefits of the package generally outnumber the development cost. Accounting Information System delivers useful information to its user in a timely and systematic manner. The system is utilised by management for governing various organisational functions such as cash transactions, account receivables, account payable and so on and so forth. In every organisation, the accounts department is responsible for management of large volume of transactional data. The excess load of the accounts department is eased by the AIS. The AIS collect these data, arrange and store them accordingly and deliver them whenever necessary. The AIS is a computerised system comprising almost all automated functions; even so, the components of the system include involvement of human resource, instructions, procedures, data, information technology, security measures and internal controls. Considering all these factors, it can be ascertained that AIS is not completely automated and this is the reason that the software is prone to certain drawbacks. It has been observed that may corporate leaders and managers often make wrong assumptions regarding AIS resulting to ineffective performance of the system (Fuhong, 2012; Romney, et al., 2000). Argument: According to various authors, the excessive availability of information to a decision maker is considered as noise to the information environment. Consumers, presently, have significant access to vast data through internet and telecommunication channels which consequently enhances their options and confuse them. A number of authors advocated that managers can make influential decision only when they can consciously distinguish between necessary information and noise within a particular system. Noise generally incapacitates even the most resourceful decision maker, resulting to poor outcome (Lau, 2008). Argument: Research suggests that learning various aspects of the accounting information system can be time

Friday, August 23, 2019

Globalisation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Globalisation - Coursework Example Globalisation ushered the unavoidable priority to comply with market forces, when compared with complying with the local government’s economic prerogatives (Barrera, 2008). The ethics of the global economy forces local governments to bend to the strong pressures of the global environment to come to terms with the global marketplace economic agreements (Ervin, 2008). Likewise, a company that is located in the United States can sell similar products to current and future customers located in Japan, Korea, or Singapore, without fearing globalisation’s business climate change (Greenwald, 2008). In addition, a company that is located in Argentina can send its products to current and future clients located in the United Kingdom (Homann, 2007). The above discussion clearly shows that the risk of not finding current and future customers for the company’s products is reduced. The opening up of the global marketplace to a company located in any part of the world reduces th e risk of not generating the company’s required revenues. Globalisation reduces Expense Risks Globalisation has leveled the playing field, in terms of generating expenses. ... In addition, the hammer manufacturing company located in Poland can purchase its quality manufacturing raw materials from a supplier located in Sweden (Bella, 2009). An apparel making company that is set up in Peru can buy its clothing raw materials from preferred current and future suppliers located in Dubai (Marmolejo, 2012).The above discussion offers convincing proof that globalisation drops the related risks of not finding current and future suppliers for the company’s raw materials. Changing from dealing with only the local community’s current and future suppliers to the bigger global list of current and future suppliers decreases the company’s risk of not finding available raw materials. Globalisation reduces Profit Risks Globalisation has leveled the playing field, in terms of generating profits. A research shows that many countries have benefitted from their embracing the global business environment. Some of the countries that benefitted from globalisati on include East Asian nations, India, and China. Later, some African countries joined the globalisation bandwagon. The global business market segment triggers corresponding both positive and negative effects on the nations’ local industries (Das, Another Perspective on Globalisation, 2010). A book publishing company that is set up in Russia can profit from selling its books in Vietnam’s bookstores, in compliance with the states’ liberal minded political leaders’ penchant to enter the global business stage (Blum, 2008). A food company that is located in New Zealand can dependently profit from exporting its products to Australia (Lane, 2008). A car manufacturing company can profit

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Lactase Enzyme Essay Example for Free

Lactase Enzyme Essay This lab will examine the specificity of an enzyme (lactase) to a specific substrate (lactose). Students will observe the actions of the enzyme and how shape is important to enzyme reactions. Background information: Lactose, the sugar found in milk, is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose (both six-sided sugars). Sucrose, ordinary table sugar, is also a disaccharide composed of fructose and glucose. Glucose is a six-sided sugar and fructose is a five-sided sugar. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks lactose down into galactose and glucose. Lactase can be purchased in pill form by people who are lactose intolerant. These people lack the enzyme, lactase, and cannot break down the sugar lactose into its component parts. Although lactose is similar to sucrose, lactase will break down only lactose because of the shape of the sugar. In this lab, you will see lactase break lactose down into galactose and glucose. You will also observe what happens if the shape of lactase is changed due to heating. Materials/ resources: * Lactase tablets: these can be bought in any drug store or grocery store. Fifteen milliliters of milk: any milk will work. Water: used for dissolving the lactase tablet, dissolving the sucrose and boiling the lactase. * Sucrose: five grams per group. * One hundred milliliter graduated cylinder/ten milliliter graduated cylinder: measuring water and enzyme amounts. * Three four hundred milliliter beakers: used for dissolving the lactase tablet, dissolving the sucrose and boiling the lactase. * Five test tubes: these tubes hold the different solution mixtures. * Test tube rack: hold the test tubes. * Marking pencil: mark the test tubes so that confusion does not occur. * Clock * Hot plate with a Pyrex test tube for denaturing the enzyme. Glucose test strips: these strips can be found in any drugstore. Stirring rod: helps to mix up the lactase tablet in the water. Lab procedures: 1. Gather the materials. 2. Label the test tubes with the following labels: 0 A. Test tube with skim milk and enzyme solution. B. Test tube with skim milk and water. C. Test tube with skim milk and denatured enzyme solution. D. Test tube with sucrose solution and enzyme solution. E. Test tube with sucrose solution and water. 3. In test tube A add two milliliters of skim milk and one milliliter of enzyme solution. 4. Time for two minutes and test for glucose with the glucose test tape. Record this data in table 1. If there was glucose present mark a ‘+’ in the table. If glucose was absent, mark a ‘-’ in the table. 5. In test tube B add two milliliters of skim milk and one milliliter of water. 6. Repeat step 4. 7. In test tube C add two milliliters of skim milk and one milliliter of denatured enzyme solution. 8. Repeat step 4. 9. In test tube D add two milliliters of the sucrose solution and one milliliter of enzyme solution. 10. Repeat step 4. 11. In test tube E add two milliliters of the sucrose solution and one milliliter of water. 12. Repeat steps 4. Results: Glucose Presence in the Following Solutions| Type of Solution| Positive or Negative Glucose Result| Test tube A: milk and enzyme solution| Â  | Test tube B: milk and water| Â  | Test tube C: milk and denatured enzyme solution| Â  | Test Tube D: sucrose solution and enzyme solution| Â  | Test Tube E: sucrose solution and water| Â  | | Conclusion and Questions: 1. Diagram and describe the lactose and lactase reaction (may need to research this). 2. Why did the enzyme react to lactose but not to sucrose? 3. What happened when the enzyme was boiled? 4. Another way to affect the enzyme is by lowering the pH of the solution. However, lactase is supposed to be able to work in the stomach. Would lowering the pH of the enzyme solution affect the enzyme? Why or why not? 5. What type of reaction is this? Dehydration or hydrolysis? Content to be covered in conclusion paragraphs: It should explain the general conclusions of the lab. May refer back to background information to help explain the conclusion of the lab. Should refer back to the GENERAL data in the results. Restate the purpose and state whether the hypothesis was correct or not and why. Clearly state and explains how at least THREE errors may have occurred in the lab. Also explains common pitfalls a person SHOULD avoid.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Psychology Genogram Essay Example for Free

Psychology Genogram Essay The paper will discuss reasons that motivation will be important while during service How do you define motivation? Most dictionaries define motivation as taking action or moving. Motivation to most people is the ability to go beyond self and push you to accomplish certain goals and desires. There must be a driving force that initiates certain behaviors when you define motivation. Motivation takes an inner resolve to make a change or to get something done in order to achieve it. There are different types of motivation that would define motivation in a broader way. A few that can be mentioned are self-motivation, achievement motivation, and attitude motivation. Self-motivation is what most people use to define motivation at its highest peak of accomplishments. If you are able to motivate yourself and reach your goals, you would have conquered the ability to be disciplined and will accomplish anything you put your mind to. The key to becoming self-motivated is persistence. Persistence is the ability to stay focused despite any challenges. It requires an inner resolve to step outside of self and find something from deep within that you may not have known was even there. Motivation is very important to all decisions that you have to make. Without the ability to define motivation and how you can make it work for you, then your life will be an endless drama of going around in circles. The following paper will discuss ways to motivation or to serve others and exploring reasons for service. Motivation helps you start. One of the first steps to success is simply to start. Unfortunately, its often not easy to start. The task may seem too big to handle. The difficulties may seem too many. Or perhaps youre just plain lazy. Whatever it is, you need something to help you start and that is where your motivation comes into play. When you are motivated, you will naturally want to start. Starting doesnt feel difficult because you want it. This way starting will feel effortless and you will be ahead of many people who find it difficult to even start.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Primary Source and Secondary Sources of Conflict

Primary Source and Secondary Sources of Conflict Communication is neither the message transmitted also no message itself. This is mutual understanding, exchange receiver. The communication needs in business must be effective. Communication is the essence of management. The basic functions of management (planning, organization, staffing, guidance and control), can not be good, there is no effective communication. Business communication involves constant flow of information. The feedback of business communication is an integral part in a communication. Organizations these days is very large. It is the number of people involved. Organizations at all levels in the hierarchy. Greater number of levels, the more difficult is the work of the management organization. The communication process command and control organization plays a very important role. You can get instant feedback and misunderstanding in a large organization. There should be between superiors and subà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹-organizations, organizations and soci ety (for example, between management and trade unions) to communicate effectively. This is the key to an organizations success and growth. In any organization, the communication gap is not supposed to happen. Business Communication is goal oriented. The companys rules, regulations and policies are communicated to internal and external organizations. Business communication is to comply with certain rules and norms. In the early stages, the enterprise communications is a limited number of instruments, telephone, but with todays technology, we have a mobile phone, video conferencing, e-mail, satellite communications to support business communication. Effective business communication help in building goodwill of an organizations. The personal qualities is a persons personal characteristics of a person. They are what makes a persons character. They help a person to get along with the new situation. For example, the reliability and quality of patience, employers want a good worker. Other qualities employers value: honesty, self-confidence, flexibility, problem solving skills, kindness, wisdom, leadership, enthusiasm, good sense of humor. Most employers want people who are reliable and easy get along with others. Although the techniques are very important, employers will choose according to their personal qualities, as well as new employees. Personal qualities Effective communication: the employer is looking for is to listen to instructions, these instructions with minimal guidance. They hope that the employees speak, write, and listen effectively, logically organize their own thoughts, and explained everything clearly. Computer and technology literacy: almost all of the work need to know, ranging from beginner to advanced, email, computer software, spreadsheets, word processing, Internet navigation. Creativity: The ability to solve the problem, you can help your transactions, data processing, to develop a vision and reach a resolution. The employer must ensure that, you can conquer the challenges of employment, critical and creative thinking. Teamwork skills: the ability to work well with others at the same time to the pursuit of a common goal. Leadership and management: the leadership of a strong sense of self, self-confidence, and a comprehensive understanding of the companys goals. These qualities, inspire and encourage, provide a solid foundation for the team. Good leadership ability to provide competitive advantage and maximize the companys bottom line performance. Although some organizations do not believe this is true. For you, either as a leader or potential leader, outstanding leadership to your personal as well as the key to the success of your organization. How to successfully become businessman Knowledge of Business Businessman, his business should have a thorough understanding. He should be clear that the aims and objectives of the organization. He should have a thorough understanding of the different functional areas. Business knowledge, knowledge of the law should be supplemented by the trade, finance, marketing, trade. Knowledge of all these aspects is essential to solve complex business problems. Hard work A businessman should work hard. Nothing can replace hard work. Success and hard work. He should be committed to their work. His work will inspire his employees with the same passion. Their own to escape the hard-working people, will not be able to more work from others. Cooperative A businessman to deal with the many complex problems. He had a lot of people to solve their own problems, to seek cooperation. Dependence on others is a necessity in todays business world. Should be with other people should also have the ability to get cooperation. He should be able to adapt to all kinds of people. Brave A processing business to a number of issues. Sometimes, there are conflicting requirements, from a different side. Consumers, employees and the government to be considerate their requirements businessman. He has to coordinate interests. Courage and forward-looking businessman will help him to make an important decision. He should not feel helpless in the face of difficulties. The business is not an easy task these days. Only those people who will be successful will have the ability to face difficulties with a smile on your face. Initiatives and decision-making power A businessman solve many problems. He also made the decision. He should have the ability to the matter to be decided at the appropriate time. His energy to guide the Groups bid to achieve organizational goals. He should take the initiative to solve a variety of problems, they should be seen as a challenge. Responsibility A businessman should assume responsibility for a variety of to activate his subordinates. As a leader, he exercised all the powers and responsibilities. He should bear the responsibility of passing the buck on to others. Subordinates the clues of the action should not be disappointed. These qualities will the confidence of employees, they will face things, more courageous. Suitability A merchant should be according to the circumstances be adjusted. Frequently changing circumstances, there may be one. He will face some challenges courage. He should not lose heart, should be able to adapt to the new environment. A busy operation can not be carried out under static conditions. Changes in the business activities of all types for all to see. Changing business world needs the vitality of the businessman. So good businessman, just according to the necessities of the situation, should be able to. Sociability Another significant the businessman quality is a mixed one, with the ability of any person within two minutes. He must be allowed to introduce yourself to an unidentified person in a very short period of time. Therefore, a businessman, sociable nature, can be easily won many, many popular confidence. 8 questions How to success for being a businessman? What are the personal qualities for being a business man? Does personal qualities important in a businessman? What are the most important things you want me to remember while I run your business? Will I be given a mentor to guide my success? Is there anything youd like to tell me about this position? When did you first realize that you wanted to be a businessman? How big is the threat of new entrants? How much power do your suppliers have? What differentiates your product from the competitors? Introduction of conflict Conflict is an inevitable part of interpersonal relationship. It is how to approach and management, can be constructive or destructive conflict. Conflict think the important thing, when people who hold different views. We live in the community and the family could not see, because we do things. Daily conflict, sometimes small disputes, sometimes violent battle. Each of us according to our own unique personality and cultural background of the conflict. People have different motives, beliefs, values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and goals. Two people can perceive and explain the same situation is very different. When rescue workers to respond to major emergencies, we have found work elsewhere. They may be from another village or city in our own country or from another continent. Two people may speak the same language, but a controversial, you may find other response is the same. The other way to deal with conflict may confuse or offend us. Our day-to-day work, the problems and contradictions is natural, the key is to find the right way to overcome these difficulties continue to productive work. A tool to overcome their own views and prejudices, so we can see the other persons point of view. In order to resolve the conflict, we must know their roles, and how we see others. The most common forms of conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, community meetings, conflict transformation and peer mediation. Which way is best, depending on the nature of the conflict and the parties. Experts in conflict resolution to provide a reasonable proposal Summary how peaceful settlement of disputes, the two sides find acceptable. Each conflict is different, people will react in their own way. But with the desire to solve the problem and a deep understanding of the parties and dispute the root cause, you will usually be able to resolve conflicts before they become violent. Sources of primary conflict There are many reasons or reasons of the conflict in any work environment. Some of the main reasons are: Poor communication: different communication style may lead to misunderstandings between employees or between employees and management personnel. The lack of communication, promote conflict underground. Different values: any workplace by individuals who see a different world. Conflict, there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of these differences. Different interests conflict, their personal goals, and ignore the organizational objectives and organize workers personal fight well-being. Scarce resources: In many cases, the employees feel that they have the competition available resources to do their work. Environment of scarce resources, which will lead to conflict despite awareness of scarce resources. Personality clashes: All the work environment by different personalities. Colleagues to understand and accept each others work and the way to solve the problem, a conflict will occur. Poor performance: When one or more individuals in the work of the unit does not perform potential this is not a solution does not work, conflict is inevitable. The natural pressure of the workplace environment, as well as the conflict between colleagues either personal reasons, this pressure to enable them to establish and develop the work environment will only further weaken next. In many cases, the conflict in the workplace seems to be the fact that in life. We see that different people have different goals and needs, has entered the conflict. We have all seen, may lead to the often intense personal hatred. Understanding of this issue, and to take positive action, they can help solve this problem, a place where they really want, while creating a comfortable working area, so that their organization. In addition, it was agreed that these major sources, the party can solve a lot of problems, and it brings to the surface as well as to obtain benefits, and they may not be the first to think of. Specifically, through the understanding and agreement of the source to resolve conflicts, team members can develop stronger mutual respect, and a new b elief in their work together. A team in a big advantage is its diversity of resources, knowledge and ideas. However, the diversity of the conflict. With the growing number of corporate restructuring work teams need training in conflict resolution will continue to grow. Team conflict is not necessarily destructive. The conflict may lead to new ideas and methods, organizational processes, and to deal with the problem of interest. The conflict, in this sense, can be considered positive, because it is conducive to the surfacing of the important issues, and to provide opportunities for people to develop their communication and interpersonal skills. Workplace by individuals who have their own point of view to see the world. Some employees have a strong belief, they are not willing to compromise. These beliefs can conflict with colleagues, resulting in conflict. For example, if a person is strongly opposed to diversity in the workplace, may be difficult to accept his other workers. In order to avoid conflict with these workers, he must try to accept or initiate more tolerant of those different values. In dealing with conflict, the most important and consistent element is open, honest and clear communication. Few people regard themselves as poor communicators, it is the bounden duty of management, particularly those that require their employees, how they communicate feedback, and how, in the case of conflict can improve. Important that the staff can be assured of recrimination, to say the truth, no two people are exactly the same freedom. Therefore, the personality conflicts in the workplace is inevitable. An employee may have a r eserved personality, while another may be more outgoing and forward-looking. Problems, the two do not understand or do not respect each others inherent nature. For example, employees may feel more outgoing personality is more introverted workers contempt, if not more with him. He might think it is a very small, not only is the personality of the staff. In addition, his practice handling the project may be analytical, and she is intuitive. Conflict when the two do not understand, and respect each other, bigger, more complex distributed organizations, the heavier the parties to communicate effectively, it is difficult to achieve exactly the right person. Addition, the working group loyalty can be a powerful, territory, another group often browse hostile invasion. lot of time and energy is wasted in the address this is not a normal conflicts. competition for limited resources is also a factor in conflict. typical example here is usually normal budget requirements exceed the available f unds which may be the most common source of conflict and the most familiar in all tissues When you create expectations and did not realize, may lead to a lot of negative did not honor the commitment to the customer, voluntary overtime, less than expected wage growth and the allocation of resources to different departments do not have to explain a great deal of These are some simple examples, leading to a conflict between the customer and the company, the employees and management personnel and departments. When the personal or political parties into a process of negotiations to resolve the conflict, their table in a certain direction, in their efforts to resolve the conflict. The most basic in both directions to enter into negotiations, insist on cooperation or competition. Cooperation with the interest-based negotiations process, which leads to the parties to seek a win-win solution. The controversial cooperation between the parties to a negotiated settlement is more likely to develop relations of trust and mutually beneficial solution options. Mutual benefit and win-win approach is considered to be a constructive process. Win/win approach is to change the conflict from adversarial attack and defense, cooperation. It is a powerful change in attitude, change the entire communication process. A person will always be a common solution to the problem, can make the difference. Your readers may be man redirect conflict. First of all, you have to convince yourself. Creative solutions are ef fectively snuffed out. The losing individual or group may reject the leaders. They have the powerful long-lasting negative emotional reactions. The approached to the conflict is collaboration. Its mean mutual solve problem. The participants must have skills for communicating and working in groups effectively. The participants also must have attitudes that support a climate of trust to work through problems. The participants have to use effective problem-solving strategies. This will help them to solve conflict easily In conclusion, I want to repeat that not all conflicts can be resolved. Sometimes, trying to solve this case, will make things worse. The initial information collected and the conclusions to for whatever reason, this relationship is to save, then it may be the best possible recognition, and do whatever you can separate the two sides. I also know more about the primary source of the conflict began. I give some example on primary source. Moreover, I learn about extra knowledge about more about conflict and how to solve a conflict.

Women, Work, and Family Foundation Essay -- Government Rights Feminism

Women, Work, and Family Foundation With the war in Iraq nearly two years old, I hoped that new leadership in the executive branch would put an end to the destruction overseas and funds would be redirected to rescue our receding economy, unemployment rate, healthcare services, and living conditions for the struggling American majority. November 2nd came and went, and those of us who shared my views found ourselves the minority. We shed a few tears and yelled at the unresponsive television screen, and surprisingly enough, the sun rose the next morning. No apocalyptic horses or trumpets, just a few chosen liberals feeling suddenly beckoned toward the promised land of Canada where certain rights are more a thing of the present rather than a dream of years to come. It is important to remember that while we do not make the decisions concerning the deployment of troops or the dropping of bombs, we do decide what condition we would like our country to be in when those serving the military are lucky enough to return home. In o ur current situation, I feel compelled to turn away from protesting the war and refocus on the home front. Many grassroots organizations have been inclined to take initiative in improving domestic policy while the president is not looking. For this reason, I have received another invitation to make a tax deductible donation to a non-profit organization: The Women, Work, and Family Foundation. I now have the personal opportunity to improve gender equality in the American workforce and receive a mug and free subscription to Newsweek in the process. "The first question is, obviously, Why [are they] asking for money?" (Woolf, p. 41) I must paint the landscape of gender equality in the workforce and determine if f... ... Works Cited: 1. Bernard, Jessie, "The Good-Provider Role: Its Rise and Fall." from American Psychologist, 36, 1981. 2. Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2001) 3. Gornick, Janet and Meyers, Marcia, Families That Work: Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment. (New York: The Russell Sage Foundation, 2003) 4. Pateman, Carole, "Three Questions about Womanhood Suffrage" in Suffrage and Beyond: International Feminist Perspectives" ed. Caroline Daley and Melanie Nolan. (Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press, 1994) 5. Saxonhouse, Arlene, Women in the History of Political Thought. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1985) 6. Seager, Joni, The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World. (New York: Penguin Books, 2003) 7. Woolf, Virginia, Three Guineas. (London: Harcourt & Brace Company, 1938)

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Guggenheim Museum Essay -- Personal Narrative Art Essays

The Guggenheim Museum I first visited the Guggenheim Museum two weeks ago with Claus, my friend from Germany. We had the MOMA in mind but I guess talking, talking we must have passed it by. Half an hour from the MOMA we found ourselves in front of the Guggenheim, the astonishing white building that was Frank Lloyd Wright's last project. Why not? We said to ourselves. And so we walked right in. According to the pamphlet: "The Guggenheim Museum is an embodiment of Wright's attempts to render the inherent plasticity of organic forms in architecture. His inverted ziggurat (a stepped or winding pyramidal temple of Babylonian origin) dispenses with the conventional approach to museum design, leading visitors through a series of interconnected rooms and forcing them to retrace their steps when exiting. The galleries are divided like the membranes in citrus fruit, with self-contained yet interdependent sections. The open rotunda affords viewers the unique possibility of seeing several bays of work on different levels simultaneously. The spiral design recalls a nautilus shell, with continuous spaces flowing freely one into another." At the coat check, I suddenly remembered my pen. (Afterwards, Claus because old school would jump ship, for the Guggenheim mostly contained non-objective, therefore abstract art. This thing called art, this thing called art. Is this thing called art because it resists apprehension? Only what is at stake, Claus? If art forsakes literal representation, it is merely to get at the subconscious, at things that cannot otherwise be expressed - surely there is something to be said for that! Still, he said and we let it go.) Shoulder rub, ticket stub: we were in! Avant-Garde Art is Borne .. ...r je veux pas le juger, I write on the napkin. This time I want a goodbye. At least a goodbye. I am thinking back to the day before. I am thinking back to a conversation both of us had right after our visit to the Guggenheim. In this conversation, we are parting ways because I am meeting someone for an appointment I am too civil to turn down. In this conversation Claus is saying he'll go back and rest, maybe talk to Yoshi. He's like me, I'm thinking, so goddamn civil. Everyone's going to end up doing things he doesn't want to do. Everyone's going to have his hands full of social acquaintances he doesn't care for. So I say, "You don't have to talk to Yoshi if you don't want to, you know?" I don't remember how or where we are standing anymore. The only thing I remember: his gaze towards me is oblique. "I'm just making conversation." He is saying.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

From Welfare To Workfare Essay -- Canada Work Welfare Jobs Essays

From Welfare to Workfare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There's an old joke that goes something like... Where do you hide a welfare recipient's cheque, where he'll never find it? Under his work boots. When Mike Harris was campaigning for the Progressive conservative party in 1994 he promised a "common sense revolution". This mixed with the huge unpopularity of Bob Ray's policies, made him a favourite for the upcoming election. With this new "common sense revolution", came Ontario Works, or workfare. (a program designed to help recipients find their cheques) The workfare topic was a huge issue to voters, and will effect not only the thousands of Ontario welfare recipients but every Ontarioan in one way or another. When the election was close, Mike Harris often called workfare his "hand up" on the other candidates, (Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Nov. 17, 1995, 846), arguing that the current welfare system is just "hand outs".   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The decision on behalf of the conservative party to introduce Ontario Works in Ontario is an interesting one, with respect to traditional, and modern day Conservative party beliefs. This issue will be discussed in depth further into the essay, but much research and (case) study went into the prospects of workfare by the Tories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To better understand workfare, one must understand the basics and reasoning of welfare. John Romanyshyn wrote "Free men living in a community of free and equal men is the democratic ideal", (Armitage, 59) which describes the ideals of welfare. Welfare is a liberal and/or democratic program and policy and is intended to allow equal opportunities of success to all. Other welfare goals include giving temporary assistance for people who are living below the poverty line and are basically implemented by using the insurance principle: pay premiums when you're able in order to reap benefits when you are unable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These are principles consistent with the liberal democracy point of view. Nowhere does welfare help the community or society. (Conservative beliefs) Welfare should help people in their time of need until they get back on their feet. This was becoming less and less the case in the late eighties and early nineties, when welfare abuse became such a major issue. According to the Progressive Conservatives, this gave way to workfare. "UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS OF WORKFARE"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As ea... ...wers and more will soon be answered after the results are in from the first wave of welfare reform in Ontario. WORKS CITED Armitage, Andrew. (1988). Social Welfare in Canada. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc. Canadian Council on Social Development. (1975). Social Services in Canada: An   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction. Ottawa. The Canadian Council on Social Development press. Crane, John. (1994). Directions for Social Welfare in Canada. D.W. Frieson & Sons. Hansard. Ontario Legislative Assembly of Ontario. (1995-1996). Office of the hansard.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (various dates specified in essay) C. McCormack (personal communication, Nov. 7, 1996) ...Workfare Watch News ("CCPA Monitor," July/August 1996) ...Backgrounder ("Community of Social Services home page", "",   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1996) Henderson, Gord (Apr. 9, 1996) Give Tories' workfare plan a chance in Ontario. Windsor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Star. ...Ontario Works makes ("Community of Social Services home page", "http://www. gov. on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ca", 1996) Workfare Watch ("bulletin posted on Internet", "www. worldchat. com/ public/ tab/ wrkfrw/   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  bul1.htm") (various dates specified in essay)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Legend of Korra Analytical Paper

The Legend of Korra: Stereotypes Stereotypes are very common in the current state of the world. In The Legend of Korra, which is the animated sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, the protagonist is a 17-year-old teenager named Korra. She is the next avatar (The avatar is someone who can control all the elements and is supposed to restore order to the world). During the first season of Legend of Korra many antagonists try to oppose Korra because of the stereotypes made about her. Korra also stereotypes about others as well which causes her failures.The Legend of Korra is a window of our culture about Stereotypes. Many people stereotype Korra wrongly (Ulaby n. pag. ). She is much like Katniss and Kim Impossible (Boucher n. pag. ). She has a very defined set of morals such as honesty, friendship, and fun. Korra breaks almost all the stereotypes that are made about her. The people of Republic City assume that Korra is a serious, semi- powerful, and all knowing, but in reality she really is not. Although Korra has an enormous responsibility she is a carefree teen. She is reckless and curious.In The Legend of Korra there is a rebel organization called â€Å"The Equalists†, their leader is a man called Amon (Legend n. pag. ). The Equalists assume at first that Korra is an incompetent avatar and then her element bending skills are amateur. They stereotyped wrong; just because she was a woman and was young did not mean that she was not powerful. In that episode she defeated them easily. This situation happens daily on earth. People often overestimate their power and underestimate their enemies. Korra also overestimates her abilities and powers.She has a very high ego and is rash. Korra often digs a hole for herself that she cannot get out of. In many episodes Korra will just jump right into the action and will receive bad consequences. After Korra defeated â€Å"The Equalists† once she realized the power she had and started to abuse her powers. Also after getting defeated â€Å"The Equalists† realized how powerful she was and adjusted to her personality. In one instance, Korra walks right into a trap because of her impulses and instinct. â€Å"The Equalists† then captured her as well as her friends (Legend n. ag. ). Many individuals underestimate the opposing people. In sports a good team may be facing a horrible team. The good team might think that they do not need to practice because they are facing a bad team. This underestimating often causes the downfall of many teams and people. The Stereotypes are everywhere in The Legend of Korra. Many people in LoK that Korra is weak and amateur; which Korra is not. Not only do people stereotype Korra, but Korra also does a fair amount of stereotyping. The Legend of Korra reflects many stereotypes of this world.